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Many people try to quit smoking and fail… over and over again. If that’s you, don’t worry and don’t stop trying – we’re on hand to help. This guide will take you through some of the best ways to quit smoking, so that, hopefully, your next attempt will be your last. In this article, we’ll talk about how to build your support network, making a plan for managing your cravings and withdrawal symptoms, and nicotine replacement therapy with THRIVE products.

Successful quitters have support

Having a support network is crucial when you’re trying to quit. When you’re reducing smoking at home, ask everyone in your household to bear with you when you’re feeling moody from withdrawals, and request that they don’t smoke around you or offer you cigarettes.

Friends and family are important, but even more helpful can be people who are also quitting or have successfully done so. So, find a local support group and not only help yourself, but find strength in helping others. You’ll meet new people to share tips and celebrate goals with.

Successful quitters use nicotine withdrawal aids

If you try to quit smoking cold turkey, you’ll likely be hit with unpleasant nicotine withdrawal symptoms like irritability, lack of focus, and even insomnia.1

Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is now widely available to help people stop smoking while suppressing cravings.

Nicotine replacement therapy products - like THRIVE nicotine gums and lozenges - have been proven to be highly effective in gradually reducing cravings when you’re going through smoking cessation. They quickly release nicotine into your bloodstream to help ease your cravings2 without exposing you to the harmful chemicals in cigarettes3.

THRIVE gums and lozenges also freshen your breath, help you to manage nicotine withdrawal symptoms, and keep you occupied until your craving passes. In fact, when used as directed, nicotine replacement products can double your chances of quitting successfully vs. willpower alone.*

Lozenge and gum icons
Man reading a book

Successful quitters get creative

Alternative methods for managing your mental and physical health can be very helpful. Hypnosis is a state of deep concentration that helps to reduce the desire to smoke. Meditation helps to relax the body and mind, increase focus, and boost energy levels. Exercise distracts you from cravings and can actually reduce them4. Even adopting a new hobby, like reading or creating art, can fill your time positively while taking your mind off of cigarettes.

Get creative and adopt a strategy that suits you best.

Successful quitters track their progress

Use a wall calendar, diary, or a stop smoking app (there are plenty of free ones out there) to track your progress and see how many days without smoking you can reach. Seeing your smoke-free days stack up will motivate you to keep going.

You could also plan to treat yourself for important milestones, like one week, one month, and six months smoke-free, to have something to look forward to. Some people like to save the money they would usually spend on cigarettes for a milestone reward – whatever works for you!

Successful quitters have a plan

When you have a plan, you’re more likely to stay focused on your goal.

First, establish clear reasons for why you’re quitting. For example, are you working towards a future goal such as running in a marathon? Has a health issue emerged? Getting into a daily routine of writing down your reasons to quit helps to emotionally reaffirm them.

Also, write down what your triggers are and your solutions to avoid them. Do you associate smoking cigarettes with certain actions, like having coffee? Plan ahead and try to break your old routines. Perhaps you can sit inside a café to drink your coffee rather than getting a takeaway. If you’re out socialising with friends, get yourself a drink rather than go outside for a smoke if they do.

Finally, don’t forget to reward yourself. If you’ve gone all day without smoking, treat yourself to a piece of dark chocolate or some of your favourite fruit. Schedule some bigger rewards for when you’ve reached goals on your quit-smoking journey.

Successful quitters don’t stop quitting

As we said before, it often takes several attempts to stop smoking before you quit for good. Don’t lose heart if you slip up and have a cigarette – throw out your tobacco and start again.

Utilise different support methods to help you, like chatting with a friend who quit smoking, stock up on THRIVE gum or lozenges, and brush off your running shoes to go for a jog when you crave a cigarette. It takes a lot of willpower to stop smoking and it’s not always easy, but by following tried and tested quitting methods, you’ll be better prepared for success.


* Doubles your chances of quitting vs. placebo. Behavioural support programs increase chances of success. Many people require several quit attempts to stop smoking. Products are part of an 8-12 week program.

  1. Health Recovery. Symptoms of Nicotine Withdrawal. Accessed 27/10/2021.
  2. Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust. Nicotine gum. Accessed 27/10/2021.
  3. Quit Genius. A complete guide to nicotine gum. Accessed 27/10/2021.
  4. Smoke Free. Fight Cravings with Exercise. Accessed 27/10/2021.